01772 726621

SEND Information

We believe that all the children are entitled to experience the full curriculum and our Special Needs policy reiterates this.  Many children have educational needs, which can be addressed through a normal differentiated curriculum within the classroom.

Children who are identified as having Special Educational Needs are given Individual Education Plans identifying small specific targets.  These are reviewed termly and discussed with the child and his/her parents/carers.  If the child is making little or no progress, advice is sought from outside agencies, i.e, Educational Psychologist.  Children who have made good progress have their needs addressed through normal classroom differentiation.

Mrs V Berry is the named co-ordinator for the Special Needs.  Children with special needs include pupils with learning, emotional, medical and behavioural difficulties.  As a school, every attempt is made to provide a differentiated curriculum for all children, ranging from the most able, in liaison with parents and LEA Support Services.

Please click links below:-

SEND Newsletter Summer 2024

Registration for Break Time 2024




School anxiety and school avoidance – Lancashire County Council

Special educational needs and disabilities – local offer – Lancashire County Council

Family learning courses


SEND Information Report – updated May 2024

Website – Local offer – Updated September 2023

Accessibility plan 2023-2024


SENCO – Mrs V Berry
