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Year 5/6

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Our Year 5/6 Curriculum

Year A

Year 5.6 Updated 2024




During English this term in 5/6, we have been studying the book, ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’. We have enjoyed delving into the story and experiencing first-hand elements such as tasting Turkish Delight! Alongside reading the text, we have written in lots of different styles, taking inspiration from the novel: creating our own adverts; holiday brochures for Narnia; persuasive speeches as the Queen of Narnia and recipes for our own potions. Please see some of our fantastic literary creations below!
In Year 5/6, we will be moving to look at the book ‘Beowulf’. We will enjoy exploring a book from a different time period and learning about the History of the period and the new vocabulary that was used at the time. We will use new vocabulary to write in different genres, including: writing invitations to the great mead-hall, Heorot; reporting on the horrific actions of Grendel; imagining and describing Grendel’s lair; creating Wanted posters for the gruesome beast; writing a CV for a mighty warrior and reporting on the success of Beowulf in slaying the malicious monster! Over the next few weeks, we will also be creating biographies on the brave Beowulf.


In Year 6, the children are focusing on Fractions, Decimals and Percentages at the start of the Spring Term, before moving on to look at ratio, algebra and shape. In Year 5, the children will recap some elements of Multiplication and Division before moving to look at Fractions and Decimals. The children will be taught formal written methods but they will also be challenged to use their knowledge of number to access questions without relying on written methods. At St Anthony’s, we use practical resources to ensure that the children have a thorough understanding of each unit that is taught.


Religious Education

Branch Three: Galilee to Jerusalem 

In the next three branches, pupils will study the gospel of St John. In this gospel, St John presents Jesus as the Messiah who reveals his kingdom through seven signs. In the Bible, the number seven indicates perfection. St John emphasises Jesus’ divinity through his seven ‘I am’ statements that are reminders of the revelation of God as ‘I am’ to Moses in the burning bush (Ex 3:14). In this branch, pupils will explore the seven signs of John’s gospel and one of Jesus’ ‘I am’ statements.
Below is a brief outline of the seven signs or miracles.

1. The Wedding at Cana (Jn 2:1-12) Jesus turns water into wine. He can transform created elements – links with the Eucharist.
2. Healing of the official’s son (Jn 4:46-54) Jesus heals with a word, his words have power, he is the Word of God. Links with the prologue Jn 1:1-2.
3. Healing the man at Bethesda (Jn 5:1-15) Jesus heals on the Sabbath; he is Lord of the Sabbath. However, the man does not recognise that Jesus has healed him and goes to speak to the authorities. Links with spiritual blindness and seeing Jesus as the Messiah.
4. Feeding of the Five Thousand (Jn 6:5-14) Jesus feeds the people as the Israelites were fed by manna in the desert. Links with the Eucharist.
5. Jesus walks on water (Jn 6:16-24) Jesus is the new Moses; as Moses led the people across the Red Sea, Jesus leads the way to the Kingdom of God.
6. Healing of the man born blind (Jn 9:1-7) Links with healing the man at Bethesda. In this miracle, the man recognises Jesus, and he sees physically and spiritually experiencing conversion and healing.
7. The raising of Lazarus (Jn 11:1-45) Jesus is the way to eternal life. Martha, his sister, experiences conversion, recognising Jesus as ‘the Christ, the Son of God’, and then Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. This miracle that prompts the authorities to act against Jesus and the events of Holy Week follow.

Branch Four: Desert to Garden

As the Church moves through the season of Lent, pupils will look at the rich symbolism of St John’s account of the end of Jesus’ earthly life. St John’s gospel looks to bring out the significance of all that Jesus did in light of his resurrection, though this is not understood by those present at the time. Pupils should recognise from the previous branch that the narrative works on two levels: an account of what happened and a revelation of Jesus’ divinity. They are encouraged to spend time studying at least one of the scripture passages read in greater detail. However, these are not the only symbolic meanings to reflect upon, and pupils should be encouraged to reflect on the stories personally. Additionally, St John uses images of light and darkness or water to increase the poetic richness of his text. St John’s passion is the central narrative at the Good Friday service.

(Information from The Religious Education Directory)



Our focus in Geography this half term was Climate Change. We looked at what climate is and how our global climate is changing. The children have investigated the causes of climate change and what we can do to help. We have written some fantastic persuasive adverts and posters to talk about the benefits of renewable energy.


Religious Education

Branch One: Creation and covenant

In this branch, pupils will learn about Moses, focusing on two critical events in his life. In the first event in Moses’ life, the children will study his theophany, or ‘God manifestation’, where God reveals his name to Moses and Moses encounters God in the form of a burning bush. We will spend some time reflecting on the words and imagery of the revelation to Moses. Unlike the gods of mythologies, God does not reveal himself as having a ‘superpower’; God is God.

As a class, we will recognise that the Ten Commandments speak to us today, but we will also reflect on the context in which they appear in the Bible. We will learn that if the commandments say what people need to do to flourish, the virtues show people how to live out Jesus’ great commandment and lead a good life. The theological virtues of faith, hope, and love flow from welcoming the love of God and experiencing his loving goodness, or grace, the first part of Jesus’ summary of the law. The cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance help people develop reason, fairness, emotional resilience, and self-mastery habits. They are human virtues and, as such, are part of the development of people of all faiths or none as they learn how to flourish, thrive, and have a life supported by strong and caring relationships.

Branch Two: Prophecy and promise

In this branch, the children will learn about the Prophet Samuel and how he advises the people to rely on God (1 Sam 8:11-18). However, the people persist, and Saul becomes the first king. However, Saul does not prove to be a worthy king and Samuel sets out to find his successor guided by God. David is not chosen because of his power. He comes from humble beginnings, working as a shepherd boy in Bethlehem. These facts are important to the writers of the gospels who see the parallels with Jesus’ birth. When David is anointed the spirit of the Lord is ‘mightily’ upon him, language echoed in Isaiah (61:1) and in St Luke’s gospel as Jesus reads from the scroll announcing the beginning of his ministry (Lk 4:18). Though the children will not know the scriptural references, we will begin to make links with the language used to describe David and the language the gospel writers draw upon to show Jesus is the one spoken of in the Old Testament. David is a
shepherd and in the story of Goliath he speaks of rescuing lambs from the jaws of predators. David is the king who unites the tribes of Israel and conquers Jerusalem, though he remains a shepherd king, caring for his people, rather than the king who demands from his people (the
type of king Samuel warns about). In St John’s gospel (which we will look at next year) Jesus says, ‘I am the good shepherd’ (Jn 10:11) and describes how he nurtures, guides, and protects his flock. Pupils can play with possibilities about the type of king Jesus is and the type of king David is called to be. God makes a covenant with David and promises that one of his descendants will have the throne established forever, which connects to the covenant with Abraham and with the universal kingship of Christ for Christians. Knowing this, pupils can recognise the significance of Jesus’ birthplace and that Joseph is descended from David. As he dies, David urges that the people remain faithful to the law and the covenant. David is significant as he is seen as the great king of the past, the one who unites the people, led them to victory and established a centre of political power in Jerusalem.

(Information from The Religious Education Directory)



Autumn 1

During the first half term, the children will be reading Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. The children will look at a range of techniques used by the author and they will try to use these in their own writing. We will be focusing on including the following objectives in our writing:

– complex sentences using ing opening clauses

– relative clause sentences which use the relative pronouns who, which and that

– sentences which openers with simile starters (further stretch)

– a range of sentences which have been purposely used for effect

– examples where action, dialogue and description have been blended together either in paragraphs or within sentences.

Over the half term, we will build to writing our own adventure story using all the skills we have been practising as well as a newspaper report. We will then look at writing a survival guide and we will identify key features of instructional writing to help us do this.


Autumn 2

Linking to our History unit of World War 2, we will be reading a book called Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll. In this unit, we will include a range of short burst writing opportunities to allow the children the opportunity to write in different styles. We will explore a range of propaganda posters from the war and listen to radio announcements before writing our own. To finish off the unit, we will build to writing a formal letter to the Ministry of Defence – this will give us the opportunity to carefully select our vocabulary to ensure it is appropriate for the task.



All children in Year 5 and 6 will start the year off by focusing on place value. Year 5 will be working with numbers up to 1,000,000 and Year 6 will be working with numbers up to 10,000,000. Once the children have mastered their knowledge of place value, they will move on to deepening their understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The children will be taught formal written methods but they will also be challenged to use their knowledge of number to access questions without relying on written methods. At St Anthony’s, we use practical resources to ensure that the children have a thorough understanding of each unit that is taught.



Module 1: Created and Loved by God

Created and Loved by God explores the individual. Rooted in the teaching that we are made in the image and likeness of God, it helps children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships.

Module 2: Created to Love Others

Created to Love Others explores the individual’s relationship with others. Building on the understanding that we have been created out of love and for love, this module explores how we take this calling into our family, friendships and relationships, and teaches strategies for developing healthy relationships and keeping safe both online and in our daily lives.



In our Geography lessons this half term, the children have been learning about the Kanto region in Japan. This topic links to our work on ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ in English. We have been learning about the human and physical features of the region. The children were very excited to find out that there is a Disneyland Japan! As well as this, we used our geography skills to research the region and then compare it to England. We finished the topic by creating travel guides to the Kanto region.

Physical Education

In Years 5 and 6, the children have two hours of Physical Education a week. The first half term, the children will be learning skills linked to Hockey in their outdoor session and they will be creating a dance based off Robinhood in their indoor session.

In the second half term, they will be focusing on teamwork and collaboration in their Orienteering unit and they will be sequencing moves in gymnastics to create a routine in pairs.


During our Science lessons, we have been learning about Earth and Space and how day and night are created. The children have created an investigation to find out how the length of shadows changes during the day and what this tells us about the relationship between the earth and the sun. The investigation was good fun and we definitely have a school full of budding scientists.


During the first half term, we enjoyed looking at a range of Japanese Art. We explored with colour mixing and created our own versions of Hokusai’s ‘The Great Wave’.

We then looked at Manga Art and researched and designed our own characters after researching the history of it.






Y5-6 Home-learning menu Autumn 2021