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Physical Education


 School Games Mark


We are delighted to share that St. Anthony’s has achieved the School Games Mark Platinum Award for the 2023/24 academic year! This prestigious award is the highest level attainable and recognizes our school’s exceptional commitment to engaging students in physical activity and school sport. This achievement truly reflects our school’s passion for sport. A huge thank you to our dedicated staff and pupils for making this possible.

Physical Education at St. Anthony’s

Curriculum Intent

At St. Anthony’s, our aim is to provide fun, high-quality Physical Education and sport that inspires all pupils to excel individually and in collaboration with others in non-competitive and competitive activities. St. Anthony’s will inspire all pupils to have enthusiasm for sport and physical activities in a way that supports their health and fitness, develops confidence and provides opportunities to build character and embed values such as fairness and respect.


The national curriculum for Physical Education aims to ensure that all pupils:

PE Intent Statement


Key stage 1

Pupils should develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. They should be able to engage in competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations.

Pupils should be taught to:

Key stage 2

Pupils should continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement. They should enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing. They should develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.

Pupils should be taught to:

In particular, pupils should be taught to:

Curriculum Planning and Provision

Each child in KS1 & KS2 has 120 minutes provision of PE curriculum time per week. EYFS children have 60 minutes taught PE and access to outdoor provisions.

Pupils receive swimming lessons in year 3/4, delivered by qualified swimming teachers at Better, Fulwood, over an intense two week period of afternoon sessions, and there is a ‘catch- up’ programme for pupils in year 5/6 who are unable to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres.

Our school uses the Lancashire Scheme of work as the basis for our curriculum planning in PE.

The curriculum planning in PE is carried out in two phases (long-term and short-term). The long-term plan maps out the PE activities covered in each half term during the year. Teachers then use short-term plans, based around the Lancashire Scheme of work as their basis for lessons, as they list the specific learning objectives for each lesson.

We plan the PE activities so that they build upon the prior learning of the children. There are opportunities for children of all abilities to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding in each activity area, and there is planned progression built into the year specific units so that the children are increasingly challenged as they move up through the school.

PE Progression of Skills

Our PE Curriculum Overview can be viewed below:

PE-overview v1


Physical Education – September 2023

Physical Education Pupil Kit September 2023

Equal Opportunities

All children regardless of age, gender, race and creed are entitled to have access to all areas of the Physical Education programme and under no circumstances should children be prevented from participating.

Assessment, Recording and Reporting

The children will be assessed in all areas of activities covered in Physical Education throughout the year, at the end of each unit.  The Core Tasks for each unit of PE are used to assess the pupils and results are recorded on the PE Passport App.

Our PE Kit

Our pupils will wear clothing that is fit for purpose according to the Physical Education, school sport and physical activity, environment and weather conditions. For indoor sessions, it should be light and allow good freedom of movement, without being baggy or loose. Any items of clothing, including those of cultural significance, need to be relatively close fitting, made safe or removed for reasons of safety of the individual (see PESSPA for more specific information).

Clothing for outdoor lessons should allow good freedom of movement but will also need to offer some insulation from cold weather in the winter months. However, hooded sweatshirts should be removed during contact or non-contact invasion games or similar activities.

Mouthguards are required for competitive hockey matches both in PE curriculum time and as part of extra- curricular provision. Hockey will be taught in curriculum PE, but small-sided competitive matches will not take place, so therefore mouthguards will not be needed. Mouthguards will be required for inter-school fixtures and competitive matches during extra-curricular clubs. These have been purchased so all children taking part will have one.


Footwear that is fit for purpose and appropriate to the surface conditions is essential for safety. Footwear should demonstrate effective grip and support, and reasonable protection for both indoor and outdoor activities and games.

In gymnastics, barefoot work is the safest, whether on floor or apparatus because the toes can grip. Barefoot work is advised for dance but where the floor condition is unsuitable for barefoot work, pupils can wear clean sports footwear.

For indoor or outdoor games, trainers, which provide good traction, are the most effective as will support the feet when carrying out activities that are largely high impact. Studded, bladed or ribbed soles are beneficial in sports where the surface is soft or slippery.

Trainers need to have a base colour of white or black and need to have Velcro or other simple fastener for children who are unable to tie their own laces.

Pumps are not considered suitable footwear, as they do not support the feet when carrying out high impact activities.

Personal effects

Personal effects, such as jewellery, (including body piercings), religious artefacts, watches, hair slides should ideally always be removed for PE to establish a safe working environment.

Earrings should be removed for PE. If this is not possible, children should come into school, ready for lesson, with earrings adequately taped with a sufficient amount of tape to prevent the piercing penetrating. KS2 children can apply tape themselves before the lesson. The teacher supervising the group has the legal responsibility for the safety of pupils in their care. In all instances when tape is used, the class teacher must check the taped area before the lesson to ensure the protection is fit for purpose. If the teacher considers the taping unsatisfactory to permit safe participation in PE, adaptations must be made in terms of how the pupil takes part in the practical aspects of the lesson.

The pupil can contribute to group planning, designing and tactical discussions, but can have different tasks assigned to them during the practical elements of the lesson (for example, individual skills practices, peer coaching, observation and feedback tasks, videoing others to analyse at a later stage, or officiating in a games context). Exclusion from a lesson PE lesson should be avoided at all times if a pupil is unable to remove personal effects or the taping is deemed unsatisfactory.

Retainers and spacers are acceptable and do not need covering, provided they are soft plastic/rubber and will not cause damage in the event of impact.

Our school kit



No borrowing of PE kit is allowed other than from a spare kit box.