01772 726621

Admissions Policy

Admissions September 2025

Thank you for considering St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School for your child.

Children are not legally required to start school until the term following their fifth birthday. In Lancashire, however, all children who have their 5th birthday between 1 September 2024 and 31 August 2025 may start school in September 2025 if their parents / carers wish it.

If you wish to visit the school before applying, we will be holding an open day / evening on Wednesday 6th November 2024.  Places for this will be available to book after October half term.

Applications for primary & secondary school is open from September 2024.   The link to apply is www.lancashire.gov.uk/schools.

The closing date for Primary School Applications is 15th January 2025 at 11.59 pm.

**If you wish your application to be considered for admission on the grounds of being a baptised Catholic, please print off & complete the Supplementary Form and return this to school with evidence of your child’s Baptism before the closing date & ensure you apply online too.**

2025-2026 FINAL Admission Policy

Arabic Primary South

Bulgarian Primary South

Gujarati Primary South

Kurdish Primary South

Polish Primary South


Punjabi Primary South

Romanian Primary South

Applying for place at our school during the school year (In-Year Admissions)

In Year Admissions are admissions to school that take place outside the normal admissions rounds (ie Reception and Year 7)

If you are new to the area and require a school place or if you already reside in the area and you want to move your child from their current local school to our school, your application should be made directly to our school and the child will be admitted where there are available places.

To apply for a place, complete our In-Year Admissions form and supplementary form where relevant and return to bursar@st-anthonys.lancs.sch.uk  or the school office.

If you have any questions in relation to in-year admissions, please contact us either by email bursar@st-anthonys.lancs.sch.uk or by phone on 01772 726621.

You may ring the school office to confirm that the form has been received.

Where places are available, but we have more applications than places, the published oversubscription criteria will be applied, to ensure the correct child/children are offered the places.

Please note, at present our school is currently over subscribed, therefore any in-year applications will be added to our waiting list for the relevant year group.

Where there are no places available, the child will be added to the waiting list and you have the right of appeal. Please see below for appeal information. Please note, that the waiting list does NOT guarantee a place at our school and if your child is currently not in education you should either make an appeal to our school and/or apply for a place at an alternative school.

Further information on how to apply for a local school can be found on the Lancashire County Council website: https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/children-education-families/schools/apply-for-a-school-place/changing-schools-during-the-school-year


Supplementary Form September 2024


Appeals Process

If your child is refused a place, you can appeal against the decision.  You must appeal against each rejection separately and you can only appeal once, against each rejection.

Preparing your appeal

You can lodge an appeal up to 20 school days after you have been informed of rejection.  To submit an appeal please visit the LCC School Appeals webpage

The admission authority will set a deadline for submitting information and evidence to support your appeal. If you submit anything after the deadline, it might not be considered and may result in delays to your hearing.

When the hearing will be

The admission authority must give you at least 10 school days’ notice of the hearing.

Appeals must be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for making an appeal.

What happens at the appeal hearing

There’s a panel of 3 or more people at the appeal hearing. The panel must be independent and must follow the school admission appeals code.

The appeals panel must decide if the school’s admission criteria were properly followed and comply with the school admissions code.  You will usually be sent the decision within 5 school days.

Appeals for infant classes

You need to go through the same process if you’re appealing a decision about an infant class. In reception, year 1 and year 2, the class size is limited to 30. Your application can be turned down if all the classes already have 30 children.  If you are appealing a place for Reception 2024, you can lodge the appeal up to 20 days after you have been notified of your school place.  We will publish a provisional list of appeal hearing dates for September intakes at the beginning of each year during January or February.


Admissions Policy Archive

2024-2025 Admission Policy

2023 – 2024 Admission Policy