01772 726621

School uniform


In line with government guidance St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School strives to ensure that school uniform is not costly to families, see the guidance at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/cost-of-school-uniforms/cost-of-school-uniforms

The only garment that school asks families to purchase with the school logo on is the jumper or cardigan that the pupils wear. Other items are available with the school logo on but these are optional and plain versions can be purchased instead.

The school book bag and water bottles are available to purchase from the school office. There is a different book bag from KS1, with KS2 book bag featuring a shoulder strap.  We also have drawstring PE bags in the house colours available to purchase.

School regularly holds a uniform ‘swap shop’ whereby you can either donate clothing to be re-used or you can take items of clothing for your child at no cost.  As a school all we ask is that clothing donated is of a good condition to be reused.

Financial help may be available to struggling families through our Pupil Premium funding, always ask at the school office if you need help. Wearing a school uniform is about more than just looking smart, it sets the tone for a respectful and disciplined learning environment, as well as uniting us all as a school family.



Our school uniform is readily available and inexpensive and its smart and distinctive appearance contributes greatly towards a sense of identity, respect for the school and a more mature and responsible attitude generally.

School uniform is available for purchase from the school outfitters:

FR Monkhouse, www.monkhouse.com or Tel: 0161 476 7216,

Top One Uniform, 39 St John’s Centre, Preston Tel: 01772 828616

Bang Bang, 91 Lancaster Road, Preston



Naming clothing cannot be stressed enough.  With so many children wearing similar clothes, much can easily be mislaid.  If the items have been named they can be returned to your child.  We do not keep lost property at school and lost clothing will be added to the swap shop.

Boys (Winter)     

Plain White Shirt with School Tie

School Jumper with School Logo

Grey Trousers

Dark Socks and Black Shoes

Boys (Summer)    As above or may wear grey shorts


Girls (Winter)

Plain White Shirt with School Tie or Open Necked Blouse

School Jumper with School Logo

Grey Skirt, trousers or culottes

White or Grey Socks or Grey Tights

Black Shoes


Girls (Summer)    As above or may wear purple checked summer dress or playsuit



EYFS and KS1

– White t-shirt and navy-blue shorts or skort with trainers for indoor and outdoor games and
athletic activities; bare feet for gymnastics and preferable for dance (alternatively trainers).

– A dark (black/ purple/ navy-blue) sweater and dark (black/ purple/ navy blue) tracksuit trousers
can be worn when cold weather but none of the above with large logos.

-Trainers need to have a base colour of white or black and need to have Velcro or other simple fastener for children who are unable to tie their own laces.

– Pumps are not considered suitable footwear, as they do not support the feet when carrying out high impact activities.


– White t-shirt and navy-blue shorts or skort with trainers for indoor and outdoor games and
athletic activities; bare feet for gymnastics and preferable for dance (alternatively sports
– A dark (black/ purple/ navy blue) sweater and dark (black/ purple/ navy blue) tracksuit trousers
can be worn when cold weather but none of the above with large logos.

– Trainers need to have a base colour of white or black and need to have Velcro or other simple fastener for children who are unable to tie their own laces.

– Pumps are not considered suitable footwear, as they do not support the feet when carrying out high impact activities.

– Studded, bladed or ribbed footwear (boots) when the surface is soft or slippery (school field).



Boys and girls in Years 3 & 4 also require a swimming costume, and a swimming cap. LCC have adopted a safety policy of swimming caps for all. Jewellery is not allowed in the pool. This is the policy of Lancashire County Council.
Swimming aids will be provided by the instructors.



The following regulations have regard for safety and respect for good discipline:

1) KS2 (Years 3-6) children are allowed to wear one pair of singular plain gold/silver stud earrings. Personal effects, such as jewellery, (including body piercings), religious artefacts, watches, hair slides should ideally be removed for PE to establish a safe working environment.  If they forget, they will be responsible for removing their own earrings before PE and swimming and looking after them.  Pupils unable to remove earrings should come to school, ready for lesson, with earrings adequately taped with a sufficient amount of tape to prevent the piercing penetrating, for example, the bone behind the ear, should an unintentional blow be received from someone or some item of equipment, such as a ball.  Staff are not required to remove or tape up earrings for pupils. Watches must be named.

2) Nail varnish or other cosmetics may not be worn.

3) A simple ribbon or elasticated hair band (in school colours, black or white) may be used to keep long hair tidy and away from the face. Hard, plastic hair bands are not permitted for safety reasons. School policy is that long hair should be tied back securely, plaited if very long, and kept away from the face.  No extreme hair styles or tramlines are allowed.

4) Before PE or Games lessons, watches should be given to the teacher in charge.

St Anthony’s Catholic Primary school cannot accept responsibility for any personal items brought into school by the children.  If these instructions are followed a great deal of time and trouble can be saved.