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Early Years Foundation Stage

Hello and welcome to Reception’s page. We use this area to communicate and celebrate our learning with parents and families!

Our Autumn Term Learning 



Personal, Social and Emotional Development – Self-Regulation, Managing Self and Building Relationships 

Our focuses this term: 

In our key person and circle times we are focusing on our Personal, Social, and Emotional Development. We are learning to see ourselves as valuable individuals by exploring our families, interests, and what makes us unique. We are also developing good personal hygiene habits such as washing our hands and brushing our teeth, in order to take care of ourselves.  

As we build constructive and respectful relationships with others, we are learning how to express our feelings in a positive way and understand how others might feel. So far, we have been practicing sharing, taking turns, and discussing our emotions to help build strong friendships and feel confident in ourselves. 


Our HRSE topics: 

Module 1: Created and Loved by God. 

This Module explores the individual, rooted in the teaching that we are created by God out of love and for love. We help the children to understand the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships. 


Communication and Language – Listening, Attention and Understanding, and Speaking 

Our focuses this term: 

In Communication and Language, we are learning how to listen carefully to songs, rhymes, and stories, which helps us to understand language patterns and vocabulary. We are starting to understand the importance of paying close attention when others speak, so we can hear all the details and follow along. We are also exploring why listening is an essential skill, helping us understand others and communicate better. So far, we’ve enjoyed joining in with rhymes, listening for key words, and discussing the stories we hear to build our listening and speaking skills.  

We are also working on developing our social phrases, learning how to use greetings and using polite expressions to communicate with others. As part of our learning, we are retelling the Christmas story, practicing how to recall and share key events in our own words. We are beginning to listen more carefully, understanding why paying attention is important for understanding others and making conversations easier. So far, we have enjoyed sharing stories and songs, while building our listening and speaking skills in fun and interactive ways. 


Physical Development – Gross and Fine Motor Skills 

Our focuses this term: 

In PE lessons, the children are practicing 5 Fundamental Movement Skills – two footed jump, hopping on both legs, running, underarm and overarm throwing, and catching. The lesson theme is based on the story The Hungry Caterpillar, where the children are moving as a caterpillar and butterfly in a range of ways. 

The children are enjoying their Busy Fingers activities as they start the school day. These include threading, Lego, button placing, lollipop stick patterns and tweezer activities.   

Outdoors, the children have the space to play ball games and create large obstacle courses using a range of apparatus.  


Literacy – Comprehension, Word Reading and Writing 

Our focuses this term: 

This Autumn in English our focuses are early reading and writing, understanding print and rhyme as well as daily phonics sessions. 

We are exploring a number of key texts. Our first topic ‘All About Me’ looks at texts such as ‘The Dot’ and ‘Super Duper You.’ These books help us to discover and appreciate our uniqueness and wonderful talents! 

Our Autumn topic allows us to enjoy books such as ‘Room on the Broom’, ‘Owl Babies’ and ‘Pumpkin Soup.’ We are looking at rhyme and repetition throughout ‘Room on the Broom,’ exploring the characters thoughts and feelings in ‘Owl Babies’ and recipe writing in ‘Pumpkin Soup.’ 

We are also looking at some Christmas texts such as ‘Stick Man’ and ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman.’ 

These texts will give us opportunities to practice segmenting words and attempting to write simple words, short captions and sentences with support. 

In our phonics session we learn 4 sounds each week. We then learn how to blend and segment words to read and write. We practice reading words and simple captions and sentences. We also learn Harder to Read and Spell Words. These are words which we are not able to blend and segment so we learn them by sight. 

We also regularly read with adults throughout the week and visit our school library. 



Following the NCETM and supplementing with White Rose Maths, our focuses this term are: 

These concepts are taught through whole class teaching, small group guided sessions and through the provision indoors and outdoors. Children have various mathematical resources available to them throughout the day, including counting equipment, collections and ways of measuring. Maths enhancements are available in many areas of the classroom, including role play, play dough and construction areas. 


Expressive Art and Design – Creating with Materials and Being Imaginative and Expressive 

Our focuses this term: 


 – Creating patterns using a variety of tools/objects 

– Self-portraits using a variety of printing tools and mixed colours 

– Photography – ‘selfies’ and editing 

 Music Hear My Voice

What’s the Music Saying?


– Music – instruments, moving to music, voices, body percussion 

– Narrating a story through sound – ‘Peace at Last’, ‘Bear Hunt’. 

– Illustrations 

Illustrators: Helen Oxenbury, Axel Scheffler 

– DT – making soup 

 Music Instruments Everywhere

Playing with Songs

In addition to whole class and guided EAD, the children have access to a creative area, where resources are chosen by both children and adults. Children can create small and large scale pieces, both indoors and outdoors. There are musical instruments and a stage outdoors to encourage performance, as well as singing and drama techniques used throughout the curriculum, with strong links to various stories. 


Understanding of the World – Past and Present, People, Culture and Communities, and The Natural World 

Our focuses this term: 


In Understanding of the World, we are exploring who we are and where we live. We are learning about our families and how we can use simple maps to understand our location. We are also discovering the people around us and how they contribute to our community. As we explore the natural world, especially in Autumn, we are describing what we see, hear, and feel outside, and engaging in activities like the Scoop Sounds science experiment and Sense Walk to observe and measure our surroundings. We are also learning about important events like Bonfire Night, Remembrance, and Christmas traditions from around the world. Through studying Black History, we are gaining an understanding of different cultures and the impact of history. In science, we’re investigating through experiments such as the Incy Shelter, where we plan and set up an enquiry to learn more about the world around us. 



Our focuses this term: 

In Computing, we are enjoying learning to create and edit digital media, including taking and editing our own selfies using iPads. We are also beginning to explore patterns and experiment with creating and continuing patterns using a range of digital devices. So far, we have created and recorded our own musical compositions, which we have used to complement a story.  

In our Unplugged Computing unit, we are learning to apply the principles of algorithms and step-by-step instructions through the process of making a simple pumpkin soup. We are also exploring how to break down tasks into clear, logical steps, just like a computer follows an algorithm. While preparing the soup, we are reading the story ‘Pumpkin Soup’ by Helen Cooper and using this to help us think about the sequence of actions needed to complete the recipe. By the end of the unit, we will be able to write our own instructions for making something, understanding the importance of order and precision in both cooking and computing. 

In our Online Safety unit, we are learning how to stay safe when using the internet. We are practising important habits like not clicking on pop-ups and always making sure an adult is with us when we go online. We are also learning how to protect our personal information and understand the difference between safe and unsafe websites. So far, we’ve discussed how to recognise signs of a trustworthy website and why it’s important to ask for help if we ever feel unsure or uncomfortable online. 


Religious Education 

Our focuses this term: 

In Autumn Term we will look at two branches of our RE curriculum: 

Branch One: Creation and Covenant 

-The Creation Story 

-God is love 

-Sign of the cross 

-Looking after God’s world 

In this branch we read the Creation Story and think about all the wonderful things God made for our world. We also think about what we love about it and our responsibility to care for our amazing world. We are also spending time thinking about how God made us all into unique and wonderful people and how we need to respect and care for ourselves and others. 

Branch Two: Prophecy and Promise 

-Celebrating Advent 

-The Annunciation 

-The Nativity story 

-The Shepherds Visit the Manger 

We are exploring the very important stories in the lead up and including Jesus’ birth. We are sharing the scripture together in a child friendly way and using role play, Godly play, hot seating and videos to bring the stories to life. We are also looking at the special time of Advent and what we can do during this time to prepare for Jesus’ birthday. We’re also looking at how other countries and cultures celebrate Advent and Christmas and how it compares to our traditions and celebrations. 

We are spending lots of time enjoying Prayer and Liturgy in class as well as enjoying Collective Worships with the rest of the school and attending Mass. We are also so excited to be preparing for our Nativity performance at the end of term where we will share the story of Jesus’ birth with our families. 


Our EYFS Curriculum

Yearly Curriculum Overview 24 25


Early Reading

Here are a couple of videos from Oxford Owl that give you advice on how to support your child at home with phonics and reading.

How to say the phonics sounds:



How to blend sounds to read words:



Here is a link to the new Development Matters, which we use to aid our planning and assessment in the EYFS.




Here are some useful links to be looking at:-

Getting ready to start school – Lancashire County Council

Hungry Little Minds – Simple fun, activities for kids aged 0 – 5 (campaign.gov.uk)

Words for Life | National Literacy Trust | Words for Life

Activities for babies, toddlers and children – BBC Tiny Happy People

EYFS_Parents_Guide-amended.pdf (foundationyears.org.uk)


Story time with Miss Forbes and Mrs Carlton.



**These are large files and may take a few minutes to download **