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All the Catholic schools in the Diocese of Lancaster have been invited by our bishop, Rev Paul Swarbrick to consider converting to an academy and join a Catholic Multi Academy Trust (MAT).

Please see information below.

There are 3 MATs in the diocese (which stretches from Preston to the Scottish Borders). Our MAT will be the Mater Ecclesiae (Mother of the Church) and will eventually be made up of the 23 Catholic primary and secondary schools in the greater Preston area. Bishop Paul has requested everyone to join one of the MATs by 2026.

The consultation period ran from Friday 1st November and finished on Friday 29th November at 3pm.

Following the close of the consultation period, the Governing Board of St. Anthony’s Catholic Primary School met to consider all the responses received and made the final decision to start the academisation conversion process this school year. We will begin the application process before Christmas and work towards converting on the 1st August in time for the new school year.

Parents consultation letter

Academisation update – growing our family of schools

Academisation Booklet Version 4 Digital
